Minnesota Music


Dean Weisser Interview

Here's an interview done with Dean Weisser.  Thank you Dean!

"Names of the members of the band and instruments they play?


"Marc Partridge/Guitar-Vocals....Gary Lampman/Harp-Keys...Mark Schlick/Bass-Vocals....Deb Weisser/Percussion-Vocals....Dean Weisser/Drums-Vocals"


"How did the band get its name?"

"In the beginning, we played a few gigs as a band with no name and we liked what we were doing. The rest of the guys

wanted me to front the band so to speak , and after going through about 200 names it cam back to The Dean Weisser Band. I warned them that all my life it has been mispelled and joked about (Bud Weiser), but we still took it. The mispellings have continued."


"How long have these people made up the band?"

"Marc Partridge, Gary Lampman, and I have been there from the begining. We had a keyboard player and different bass player. Over the years, Gary has picked up more keyboard, and we added Deb to the band. We have had 3 bass players

including Mark."


"How long has the band been in existence (if different)?"


"About 6 years."


Album(s) the band has released and the year(s) they were released?"


"I had 1 solo album, "Dean Weisser/Give it a Shot" in 1992, and this band released "The Dean Weisser Band/Boppin the Blues in 2000."


"First single released?"


"A single wasn't really released, but several stations did air "For Another" and "You've Got A Lot to Learn"."


"Where can people find out more about your band?"


"I Guess our website would be the best place



"Where’s your favorite place to perform and why?"


"Personaly, I love playing outdoors, for festivals and such. I love the big crowds and the large stages.  As far as clubs, I really like Famous Daves and The Minnesota Music Cafe. The stage and sound is the best."


"What’s your favorite thing about entertaining?"


"It is a real treat to play original music and see people sing along and dance to your tunes. It's a real rush.  And when they buy the CD and take your music home that is even more of an honor. I just remember what it was like for me when I wnet out and saw bands, how powerful some of them were, how inspiring. I hope we can be that to people."


"What’s your least favorite thing about entertaining?"

"Playing to an empty bar is no fun, or to people who have no interest at all in seeing the band. No matter what you do, you can never win them over it seems. Also, booking the band is a ton of work. Club owners get plastered with calls every week, and you have to deal with that when you call them. The band bookers always seem to be in "meetings" when you call.  How many meetings can you have in one week?  It's really tough. There are sooo many bands in the area."


"What’s your most memorable moment on stage?"

"I think I have two. One is playing my first original song on stage in front of a crowd,...and they liked it!  The other is playing my first gig with Richard Torrance. I have followed looked up to and respected this guy all my life and have always wanted to play with him. We finally did it in 2000. What a treat!"


"What’s your most memorable moment off stage, music related?"

"I would have to say recording. Recording is my favorite thing to do off stage. It is such a high, hearing your music come together into a song. Adding pieces, building the tune like a house. I absolutely love recording."


"Is there anything that your fans don’t know about the band that you think they should?"


"Maybe the fact that we really care about what they think. We are not headstrong about playing certain tunes...(except

for the fact we will not be a top-40 band)...We try to adjust our list to keep people out there dancing. We get a lot of comments on our list. People really seem to enjoy the stuff we stick in there. It's not all the same old stuff you hear."


"Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?"

"I would like to thank them all for the support we get. People are so busy now. It's really hard to go out and see bands. The cover charges are getting higher, the parking is a problem, and the bars are smoky. We really appreciate the time and effort that people take to come out and see the band."


"Is there anything that you want to add?"

"We are planning to do a live album soon. I thing we may record it at a few different clubs. We are still talking about it.

Stay tuned!"

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Last updated on:  10/07/2002