Minnesota Music

DHM: Shift
DHM Interview

Dazy Head Mazy

UPDATE - For those of you who are Dazy Head Mazy fans, Dazy Head Mazy will be going on their first East Coast tour, from New York to South Carolina.


This band plays a mix of rock music.


Be sure to check out the CD review of Dazy Head Mazy's 'Shift' and the Dazy Head Mazy Interview!


Meet The Band:
Will is the lead vocalist and he also plays the acoustic guitar.  His talent and abilities are impressive and a great addition to this band.

Jade plays the guitar as well as offering vocals to this band.  He has a great amount of talent that he brings to the stage.

Eric is the bass player.  He offers a lot of talent to this band.

Andy is the drummer.  He has an incredible amount of talent and enthusiasm that he offers to this band.


Their Performance:
The Pros:
This band plays incredible music.

The Cons:
This band doesn't offer much enthusiasm on stage.

The pace of the music they play is repetitious.

My Thoughts:
Dazy Head Mazy offers some incredible music and talent on stage.  They have an incredible amount of talent on stage.  The beat of the music they played got extremely repetitious.  They didn't mix up the pace of the music much and they unfortunately didn't offer much music that you could dance to off the start.


My Rating:
On a scale of one to five (five being the highest)  I would rate this band a four.  I really liked the music and talent that this band offered, but the beat of the music they played got monotonous and wasn't really danceable music.


Here's the link to their web site: www.dazyheadmazy.com

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Last updated on:  10/07/2002