Here's a block done with Adam of H Block 10. Thank you
"Names of the members of the band and the instruments they play?"
"Adam 'Adamn, Coolio, Madam' Coolong - guitar, vocals. Justin 'Dustbin, J'
Sirota - guitar. Ben 'BD, Benny, Benihana' Ducklow - bass. James 'Jimmy RN'
Kinsey - Drums."
"How did the band get its name?"
"It beat out everything else on the list! We all compiled our ideas, and then
voted. The name H block 10 comes from the H-Blocks of Long Kesh prison outside
Belfast, Ireland. Ten men died there on hunger strike in 1981, protesting their
inhumane treatment during their incarceration for political offenses against the
British Government. The name honors their sacrifice and their commitment to
their ideals."
"How long has this group of people made up the band?"
"This group of people has been together for about a year now."
"How long has the band been in existence?"
"Except for Ben, the band has existed since 1997. We didn’t really get going
until Benny joined up and we started taking it seriously."
"Album(s) the band has released and the year(s) they were released?"
"In 1997 we did a small EP (independent release) called 'A Couple of Live
Songs.' In 2000 we released (again, independently) our first full-length CD
called 'The Struggle.'"
"First single released?"
"'Dare I' from 'The Struggle.' It has gotten quite a bit of airplay on the 93X
Loud ‘n Local show, and was featured as Debut Cut of the Week when it first came
"Where's your favorite place to perform and why?"
"Probably The Quest Club in Minneapolis, because the sound system and stage are
awesome, and it makes you feel like a real rock star! In addition I love
playing Mr. Heavy’s in Menomonie, Wisconsin because the crowds are always large
and very responsive. We played the Key once in Northfield, which rocked because
the kids seemed to really love it—they moshed to EVERYTHING, even the slow
stuff! It was awesome."
"What's your favorite thing about entertaining?"
"Just being on stage in front of people and playing music that hopefully touches
the audience. I also love to talk to people after the shows. I love that
attention stuff! Ha ha!"
"What's your least favorite thing about entertaining?"
"Probably the tearing down gear after a set. You want to relax because you just
gave your all on stage, but most of the time the venue guys want to get you off
the stage ASAP and are hustling you around."
"What's your most memorable moment on stage?"
"It’s hard to pick just one! Probably the time we played a bar in Rochester, MN
a couple of years ago—there was a really big bachelorette party there, and they
got quite crazy! I’ll stop there…"
"What's your most memorable moment off stage, music related?"
"Recording the album in a “real” studio. We did it fairly quickly over a few
weeks, but we had a great time."
"Is there anything that your fans don't know about the band that you think they
"Well, I guess I would tell them to check out our website (
and especially the selection of political action links there. We feel it’s
important to become involved politically (with whatever movement is consistent
with your beliefs) and we encourage people to do so through grass roots
political action."
"Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?"
"Listen to the lyrics, take them to heart! We try to sing about important
issues rather than just about partying or meeting girls or whatever, and we work
hard to write songs with important messages. Don’t take anything in your lives
for granted, and work within your communities, families, whatever to give back
and to take an active part in making our society a better place to live, for
"Is there anything that you want to add?"
"Not much! Good luck with the website. Thanks a lot for the interview
opportunity, and everybody please come check us out! Take care."