Minnesota Music


Bones Gang - Interview with Brad

Here's an interview with Brad from the band Bones Gang.

"Names of the members of the band and the instruments they play?"

"Brad Foss (Mr. Bud) - bass and lead vocals.  Lyle Maurico - guitars and backing vocals.  Peter X - Drums."

"How did the band get its name?"

I wish it was something clever that would be really interesting, but it's kind of dumb. My nickname back in High School was Bones. I was really skinny. I ate like a horse, but still looked like a walking skeleton. That has since changed, but that's where the idea for the name came up. I'm "Bones" and this is my gang."

"How long has this group of people made up the band?"

"We've actually been a band for almost 4 years. Up until last summer we were all in Bad Jack, so we've been together a while."

"How long has the band been in existence (if different)?"

"Almost 11 years. I had the idea for the band back in 1988, but didn't actually create it until 1991 while I was attending Music Tech. We've actually had a total of 11 members since 1991. That would be about a new member every year, eh?"

"Album(s) the band has released and the year(s) they were released?"

"We've released one CD while we were in Bad Jack. Bones Gang had recorded some stuff back in 1992 with the original members, but that stuff will stay locked away in a vault named "Stuff that shouldn't have made it on tape". Three of the songs on the Bad Jack CD were written by me and have made their way into the Bones Gang playlist. We're updating them and going to add them to the Bones Gang CD that we plan to have out by the end of the year."

"First single released?"

"I believe it was "Budweiser & Jack Daniels". That one managed to get us a partnership with Jack Daniels for a year."

"Where can people find out more about your band?"

"That's an easy one - www.bonesgang.com - The Official Homepage. It's still kind of in the development stage, but the essentials are there. Schedule, Mailing List, Merchandise and something about us."

"Where's your favorite place to perform and why?"

"Monte's in Spring Lake Park would have to be our favorite. The staff and management have always been great to us and the place usually packs out when we're there. It just kind of feels like home when we play there."

"What's your favorite thing about entertaining?"

"Favorable crowd reaction. I love a ravenous crowd. When you've got an audience in the palm of your hand and they're screaming for more, that's the best high in the world. It's just more fun when the crowd is vocal and gets into the show with you."

"What's your least favorite thing about entertaining?"

"Dealing with agents. I've had a lot of bad dealings with agents. Agents are parasites, but they're almost a necessity around here. We classify them two steps lower than a carnival worker. ( Yeah, that's going to get us more good gigs. )"

"What's your most memorable moment on stage?"

"There's quite few, but the one that sticks out for me was when we opened for Slaughter a couple of years ago down in Mankato. We weren't expecting much, but the place just packed out. It was a complete zoo! There were so many people you couldn't get back to the bathrooms without a jackhammer and a pick-axe. We didn't know it, but Mark and Blas from Slaughter were watching us. We came off stage and Mark and Blas were there to greet us and told us we kicked ass. That was cool of them. The crowd dug us and so did Slaughter. Not bad."

"What's your most memorable moment off stage, music related?"

"Having our song "Sunday Afternoon" be chosen as "Song of the Day" by GarageBand.com."

"Is there anything that your fans don't know about you that you think they should?"

"Our drummer is the Antichrist. Most people know this, but I thought it pertinent. Most people make a deal with the devil, we got him to join the band.  Our guitar player has a fantasy about jamming with Leon Russell. I could go on with stories about oral fixations and bed-wetting, but I just leave it at that."

"Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?"

"Wow. More like, is there anything I haven't said to them? I guess I would have to say "Thanks" for the support we have gotten from our hardcore fans. There aren't many, but they're crazy, ravenous drunks with deep pockets. A perfect bar crowd. We love 'em."

"Is there anything that you want to add?"

"If I may be allowed to speak subliminally for a moment ( buy our stuff ), we're currently developing original material for our CD ( sign our guestbook) and should have a CD out by the end of the year ( buy it!! ). Seriously, we thank everyone who is still following us and continues to check in and wants to know when we're playing. The response has been more than we would have expected and we appreciate it. Our schedule picks up again this summer and we can't wait to get back out playing live again. We hope to see you all then!"

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Last updated on:  10/07/2002