Minnesota Music


Maximum Security

This band is a young rock band.


The Band:

The lead singer has an incredible amount of enthusiasm and his talent is absolutely incredible!

The bass player was also very enthusiastic and displayed a great amount of talent on stage.

The guitar player had an extreme amount of talent and enthusiasm to bring to the stage.

The drummer had a great amount of talent to offer to this group.


The Music:
This band plays songs by Creed, 3 Doors Down, Lit, Nickleback, and more.


Their performance:
The Pros:
There's a lot of talent in this band.

They have a lot of enthusiasm on stage.

The Cons:
The only place you can see this band is at the Dweebs shows.

They're young and the music is still raw.

My Thoughts:
I was incredibly impressed with this group.  Each has an incredible amount of talent to offer this band.  I was completely surprised by such young talent!  These guys are definitely not going to have a problem headlining their own show some day!  They have a great amount of talent and enthusiasm to bring to the stage.


My rating on a one to five scale (five being terrific) would be a five.
Their talent speaks for itself.  This is a must see for rock fans.


Here's the link to their web site:  https://www.angelfire.com/music2/maximumsecurity

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© 2001-2002
Last updated on:  10/07/2002