Minnesota Music



This band plays a wide variety of rock music.


Meet The Band:
Sorry that I don't have names for you on this band...

The first of the two guitarists was incredible.  He did a great job and showed a lot of talent and enthusiasm on stage.

The bass player was great!  He had an endless amount of talent and enthusiasm on stage.

The lead singer had a tremendous amount of talent he displayed.  He also did a good job of getting the crowd involved in the music.

The drummer did a great job and had a lot of talent, although I noticed there were a couple of songs he played too fast.

The second of the two guitar players did an awesome job!  He was very enthusiastic on stage and offered a lot of talent to the band.


The Music:
This band covered a wide mix of 90's rock as well as new rock.


Their Performance:
The Pros:
They had a lot of talent and enthusiasm on stage.

They did a good job of getting the crowd involved in their show and made sure the crowd had a good time.

The Cons:
There were a couple of songs that I noticed the drummer was playing too fast and was a little out of sync with the rest of the band.

There were a couple of songs that I noticed the entire band seemed a little out of sync.

My Thoughts:
This band did an awesome job and each band member brought something to the stage.  They did a great job of getting the crowd involved.  With the exception of a few songs, the music sounded really good. 


My rating on a scale of one to five (five being the highest) would be a three and a half.  I really liked the range of music that this band covered, but I noticed that there were a couple of songs that they sounded completely out of sync with each other.


Here's the link to their web site:  www.sliderocks.net

Send mail to minnesotamusic@usa.com with questions or comments about this web site.

© 2001-2002
Last updated on:  10/07/2002