Minnesota Music


Whisker Fish - Interview with Mark

Here's an interview with Mark from Whisker Fish.  Thanks Mark!

"Names of the members of the band and the instruments they play?"

"Danny Rapp - Lead guitar.  Tom Erickson - Bass guitar.  Rick Ohnstad - Drums, vocals.  Mark Thieding - Vocals, Rhythm guitar."

"How did the band get its name?"

"The band started out as 'The Bottom Feeders.'  The original bass player, Dave Amperse and the rest of us just figured we were the salt of the earth, so to speak, and we didn't really stick out in the crowd, we relate more with the working class folks.  And to the people who are trying to keep up with the jones.  We probably would be considered Bottom Feeders.  Later we changed the name to 'Whisker Fish' because there is a band on the west coast named 'The Bottom Feeders'."

"How long has this group of people made up the band?"

"The current group of members has been together about 3 years, the band as a whole has been at it for about 10 or 11 years.  We have changed drummers once and bass players 3 times."

"Album(s) the band has released and the year(s) they were released?"

"We currently have no albums out but we have discussed that possibility.  But finding the time seems to be a problem."

"Where can people find out more about your band?"

"You can learn more about the band by going to www.sacredfish.com."

"Where's your favorite place to perform?"

"I guess my favorite place to perform is The Corner Bar in Dundas, probably because we always have a great turnout and the people really get into the music.  A lot of my friends come to see us there.  People who normally wouldn't catch one of our shows."

"What's your favorite thing about entertaining?"

"My favorite thing about entertaining is looking out in the crowd and seeing people dancing and singing along and just having a great time."

"What's your least favorite thing about entertaining?"

"My least favorite thing would be tearing down after a long weekend and having to haul amps and speakers out.  And knowing that we won't be playing for another week or so."

"What's your most memorable moment on stage?"

"My most memorable moment on stage is when I raffled off my hair and had someone in the audience shave it off with an electric clipper.  It was really long at the time, about 3/4's of the way down my back.  I still don't know why I did that."

"What's your most memorable moment off stage, music related?"

"Most memorable moment off stage would have to be when we were still the 'Bottom Feeders' and I was driving truck for a company I used to work for and went to a town many miles from anywhere that we've played and as I was walking through the warehouse a guy yelled 'Hey! You're a Bottom Feeder!  You guys rock!'"

"What would you like to say to your fans?"

"What I would like to say to the fans is, if it wasn't for you guys, playing wouldn't be half as much fun as it is!  The band loves you all!"

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Last updated on:  10/07/2002