Minnesota Music |
Here you'll find some information on some friends from out of state. Jean Pierre Jolicard - Jean Pierre Jolicard is a musician from France. Dawan Muhammad - Dawan Muhammad is a jazz artist out of San Francisco, CA. Daemos - Daemos is a heavy metal band out of San Diego, CA. Echo Park - Echo Park is a rock band out of Cincinnati, OH. Tamra Holden - Tamra is an entertainer who is performing out in Branson, MO with Joe Tinoco (see below). Amanda - Amanda is a 14-year-old entertainer who is performing with "The Magnificent 7" out in Branson, MO. Joe Tinoco - Joe Tinoco is an entertainer who is performing out in Branson, MO with Tamra Holden (see above). Katt - Katt is a reggae artist performing in Jamaica. Joe Houck - Joe Houck is a country performer in Tennessee. Pamela Martin - Pamela Martin is a country performer working in Tennessee. Cringe - Cringe is a heavy metal band from Ohio. Darren Rhodes - Darren Rhodes is a country performer working in Alabama.
Glowing Orange - Glowing Orange is a heavy metal band out in Huntington, West
Virginia. |